Do you want to withdraw cash from your closely held corporation at a low tax cost?

December 11, 2020

Owners of closely held corporations are often interested in easily withdrawing money from their businesses at the lowest possible tax cost. The simplest way is to distribute cash as a dividend. However, a dividend distribution isn’t tax-efficient, since it’s taxable to you to the extent of your corporation’s “earnings and profits.” And it’s not deductible […]

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Consider reevaluating your tax plans based on the outcome of the presidential election

December 7, 2020

Now that Joe Biden has been projected as the winner of the presidential election by major news outlets,* you may wonder if your federal taxes will be affected. President-elect Biden campaigned on a broad agenda, including a pledge to roll back many of President Trump’s tax policies. In response to the Tax Cuts and Jobs […]

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What do the 2021 cost-of-living adjustment numbers mean for you?

December 2, 2020

The IRS has announced its 2021 cost-of-living adjustments to tax amounts that might affect you. Many increased to account for inflation, but some remained at 2020 levels. As you implement 2020 year-end tax planning strategies, be sure to take these 2021 adjustments into account in your planning. Also, keep in mind that, under the Tax […]

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Tax responsibilities if your business is closing amid the pandemic

November 27, 2020

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to shut down. If this is your situation, we’re here to assist you in any way we can, including taking care of the various tax obligations that must be met. Of course, a business must file a final income tax return and some other related forms for […]

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New business? It’s a good time to start a retirement plan

November 23, 2020

If you recently launched a business, you may want to set up a tax-favored retirement plan for yourself and your employees. There are several types of qualified plans that are eligible for these tax advantages: A current deduction from income to the employer for contributions to the plan, Tax-free buildup of the value of plan […]

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The 2021 “Social Security wage base” is increasing

November 20, 2020

If your small business is planning for payroll next year, be aware that the “Social Security wage base” is increasing. The Social Security Administration recently announced that the maximum earnings subject to Social Security tax will increase from $137,700 in 2020 to $142,800 in 2021. For 2021, the FICA tax rate for both employers and […]

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Understanding the passive activity loss rules

November 16, 2020

Are you wondering if the passive activity loss rules affect business ventures you’re engaged in — or might engage in? If the ventures are passive activities, the passive activity loss rules prevent you from deducting expenses that are generated by them in excess of their income. You can’t deduct the excess expenses (losses) against earned […]

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What do the 2021 cost-of-living adjustment numbers mean for you?

November 13, 2020

The IRS has announced its 2021 cost-of-living adjustments to tax amounts that might affect you. Many increased to account for inflation, but some remained at 2020 levels. As you implement 2020 year-end tax planning strategies, be sure to take these 2021 adjustments into account in your planning. Also, keep in mind that, under the Tax […]

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Year-end tax planning strategies must take business turbulence into account

November 9, 2020

Election years often lead to uncertainty for businesses, but 2020 surely takes the cake when it comes to unpredictability. Amid the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic, the resulting economic downturn and civil unrest, businesses are on their yearly search for ways to minimize their tax bills — and realizing that some of the typical approaches […]

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